Covering functionals of cones and double cones
منابع مشابه
Image Labeling and Grouping by Minimizing Linear Functionals over Cones
We consider energy minimization problems related to image labeling, partitioning, and grouping, which typically show up at mid-level stages of computer vision systems. A common feature of these problems is their intrinsic combinatorial complexity from an optimization pointof-view. Rather than trying to compute the global minimum a goal we consider as elusive in these cases we wish to design opt...
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In the setup of i.i.d. observations and a real valued differentiable functional T , locally asymptotic upper bounds are derived for the power of one-sided tests (simple, versus large values of T ) and for the confidence probability of lower confidence limits (for the value of T ), in the case that the tangent set is only a convex cone. The bounds, and the tests and estimators which achieve the ...
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Let η be a line bundle on a smooth curve X with η^2=0 such that π_η, the double covering induced by η is an etale morphism. Assume also that X_η be the Prym-canonical model of X associated to K_X.η and Q is a rank 4 quadric containing X_η. After stablishing the projective normality of the prym-canonical models of curves X with Clifford index 2, we obtain in this paper a sufficient condition for...
متن کاملSome results of polyhedral cones and simplicial cones
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متن کاملBornological Completion of Locally Convex Cones
In this paper, firstly, we obtain some new results about bornological convergence in locally convex cones (which was studied in [1]) and then we introduce the concept of bornological completion for locally convex cones. Also, we prove that the completion of a bornological locally convex cone is bornological. We illustrate the main result by an example.
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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Inequalities and Applications
سال: 2018
ISSN: 1029-242X
DOI: 10.1186/s13660-018-1785-9